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Resolving Conflicts, Protecting Your Property

Rent Reviews

At the outset of any lease, rent review provisions should be considered. Regard should be had to the Code for Leasing Business Premises and the Model Commercial Lease.

We advise clients as to how and when rent reviews should be initiated and serve Notices on behalf of both landlords and tenants. If the rent cannot be agreed by way of negotiation we act for clients in the arbitration process to bring the matter to a conclusion.

To speak to our expert Property Litigation Solicitors in South Wales, please contact your local JCP Solicitors office. We have offices in the following locations:

If there is not a local office to you, contact us on 03333 208644 as we are happy to arrange telephone and video meetings where appropriate. Alternatively, please feel free to email us at, fill in our online enquiry form, or use our live web chat facility.