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The South West Wales Brain Injury 10th Anniversary Conference 2022
Join JCP Solicitors, Fieldbay and Headway at The swansea.com Stadium, Swansea for the 10th Anniversary of the South West Wales Brain Injury Conference 2022.
The event is taking place on Wednesday 5 October 2022 from 8.45am - 4.00pm.
The South West Wales Brain Injury Group (SWWBIG) was founded by a team of experts operating in all aspects of brain injury care, treatment and support in South West Wales and is chaired by Team Co-Ordinator for the Brain Injury Service in the NHS, Suzanna Charles.
The group was launched following six years of successful annual events on the subject of brain injury in South West Wales, each of which has commanded the attendance of respected speakers from across the UK and audiences of medical professionals, brain injury survivors, their carers and support organisations operating in Wales.
Tickets are £40 for Professional or Corporate, £12 for Students, or free for non-professional Headway members, brain injury survivors and non-paid carers.
Please click here to download the flyer. Please click here to book your place.